I happened to read from our Local Daily Newspaper dated 26th April 2006 that a young boy was killed by his guardians because he had been a burden, and the fact that the boy had lived for fourteen years with HIV/ AIDS. Also in South Africa, the same thing happens daily. I have tried to counsel the youths and the guardians to know God better as the only one who cures the disease. I’m blessed by God’s mercies to teach and counsel these displaced/ outcast people to live like other people positively.

Having a burden for those who are presently passing through what i passed few years ago, i discussed this with my mother to donate her ½ acre of land to the Merciful Hearts Orphans, to build in it a structure that is helping the orphans. The project is currently accommodating  40 children living at the orphanage. We have tried to do more than we first thought we would be able to do. Whatever little donation we receive from well-wishers we use it wisely to make sure that all the children access basic needs.

Our aim is to have more structures which will help us accommodate more kids; also we are aiming at have a school on the land where the orphaned kids would be getting free education. These will enable the kids to realize their dreams. We have the heart, the purpose and all the time needed for these dreams accomplishment.
Why do we go for kids? Simple!! When a child is saved, his life is also saved. This offers double opportunity to this Ministry to train and utilize a child’s soul and body for God’s service. The world has many of God’s spiritual leaders who were saved while young. Over 50% of country’s population consists of youth and children; most of them are miserable due to HIV/ AIDS epidemic. The reason for training the children is to prepare them for God’s purpose in their lives. Biblically, Samuel joined the ministry while young, so was King David. If we can train these young generations, we focus their future and their destiny will be good.

In my own life I have found that abandonment to God is sweeter that I could ever have dreamed, because in the hands of God there is life, and peace. God has given me a big vision but I have limited resources, my heart desire to reach many people with the Gospel of Christ and to bring inn many abandoned children. God has filled my heart with compassion and love and I am very happy of this. And I thank Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful and worthy putting me into the ministry. Although I was formerly a blasphemer, a sinner, and an insolent man: but I did it ignorantly in un-belief. At last I have found rest and peace in Christ Jesus Christ who called me into His own Ministry.
