Children become orphans of various causes, including accidents, abandonment, abandonment by parents, sickness, poverty, natural catastrophes, and wars.

Because orphanages are the most cost-effective way to care for a large number of children while also providing oversight and accountability for their care, Merciful Hearts Orphanage has chosen to take this rout to address the needs of orphans in Kenya.

10 Ways you can join with us to Help Orphans

There are many ways to help and support orphans like

  1. Give them what they need, like food or clean water.
  2. Support their education.
  3. Give away your clothes that you don’t use anymore.
  4. Provide them with a safe place to stay.
  5. Sponsor an orphan.
  6. Educate them by taking them to school or giving them some courses.
  7. Give away your children’s old toys.
  8. Organize some fun events for them.
  9. Buy them some gifts at special events (Easter, birthday, etc.)
  10. Tell people how it is vital to help orphans.

Sponsoring an Orphan Online 

Nowadays, online connections make everything much faster, easier, and safer. You can use our donate button to give your contribution. You will be touching a life that needs help by so doing.




  1. God has given us life, so that we would have something very valuable to give Him. There is a principal that anything given to God, according to His will, returns to us in a greater form than what we gave Him. We give Him our lives and we receive a higher form of life, in Him.

    Through the gospel message of Christ, we learn “to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.”
    (Ephesians 4:22-24).

  2. Education is more than just a privilege, it’s a fundamental right that every single child deserves. It’s the key to unlocking doors that were once shut, the path to a brighter future, and the foundation upon which we build our lives.

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