Education is the root of success to any child’s life and it is the pathway of a child to follow and reach their full potential in life. Education is so much important in a child’s life that it marks the foundation of his success. Children  should be provided with quality education to learn and develop confidence. Education is fundamental human rights of achieving economic growth and sustaining a healthy society. It is the source of breaking the cycle of poverty and it ensure that all people have control of their destiny.

We at Merciful Hearts Orphanage we take education seriously. We believe that If the children get access to good education, they will be able to get out of the shackles of child labor and carve out a future plan for themselves. Children who are at our orphanage and those from poor families  have the opportunity to not only attend school but to thrive and reach their full potential. Without an education, job prospects for an orphan child are severely limited, and they will be condemned to a life of instability and poverty. You can support an orphan and give them access to education with a child sponsorship. Help an orphan to go to school.
